California, US Company Database (500k Leads) -5

California, US Company Database (500k Leads) -5


Do you own a business and need to connect with another business in California?

Our company database is an inexpensive source of the high-quality business database with full company contact information for B2B Business communication. You can save yourself and your company from wasting millions of dollars and precious time searching for prospective companies by purchasing our list. The US company database enables you to connect with millions of customers in no time.

We ensure that the company database is verified and 100% authenticated.

You can use the information listed in the company database to acquire Business Leads, Telephone Marketing Goals, Sales Prospecting, Cold Calling, Acquiring Contact Lists, Company Research, Business Ventures, Information Search and other business-to-business related purposes.

NUMBER OF COMPANIES   –  500,000.00 Companies in California


  1. Business Name
  2. SIC2 Category
  3. SIC4 Category
  4. SIC8 Category
  5. Contact Person
  6. State Code
  7. City
  8. ZIP Code
  9. Address
  10. Phone
  11. Web
  12. Coordinates
  13. Location Type
  14. Market Variable
  15. Annual Revenue



  1. We provide the best sales leads available in the industry
  2. Our US Company Database is updated – You get Quality business data every time
  3. All the necessary information is listed to get connected with the prospective client
  4. You are free to choose these contact details for marketing use
  5. You can download it right away. No need to wait.
  6. The US Company Database is available in CSV format
  7. The US Company Database is verified and contains highly accurate information
  8. Customer profiling is so accurate and we promise 85% responsiveness